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当前位置:首页>>DC-DC>>Eutech德信 >>EUP3260-1A,2.25MHz同步降压DC/DC转换器    双击自动滚屏
发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2019/3/18 阅读:4653次    关键字: DC-DC

EUP3260-1A,2.25MHz同步降压DC/DC转换器 DataSheet 

EUP3260具有可供选择的force PWM和PFM/PWM模式。force PWM模式的纹波噪声小,而PFM模式具有轻载高效的优势。EUP3260采用TDFN-6封装,并能提供高达1A的输出电流。


•µC/µP, FPGA和数字信号处理器电源


EUP3260-1A,2.25MHz Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Regulator 

The EUP3260 is synchronous step-down DC-DC converters optimized for battery powered portable applications. The 2.7V to 5.5V input voltage range makes EUP3260 ideal for powering portable equipment that runs from 1-cell Li-Ion or 3-cell NiMH/NiCD batteries. The device is also suitable to operate from a standard 3.3V or 5V voltage rail.
The EUP3260 operates at 2.25MHz fixed switching frequency allowing the use of small inductors and capacitors to achieve a small solution size. The internal synchronous switch increases efficiency and eliminates the need for an external schottky diode. The EUP3260 has internal soft start and avoids inrush current during startup.
The EUP3260 has a user able mode of forced PWM and PFM/PWM mode. The forced PWM mode operation provides the lowest ripple noise and the PFM mode operation provides high efficiency at light loads. The EUP3260 is available in SOT23-5 and TDFN-6 package. For TDFN-6 package, it provides up to 1A output current.

•High Efficiency Up to 95%
•2.25MHz Constant Switching Frequency
•1A Available Load Current
•30µA Typical Quiescent Current
•2.7V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range
•Adjustable Output Voltage as Low as 0.6V
•No Schottky Diode Required
•Short Circuit and Thermal Protection
•Internal Soft Start Function
•Available in TDFN-6 and SOT23-5 Packages
•RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead(Pb)-Free Halogen-Free

•SSD Module
•Smart Phones
•Tablet PC
•Portable Media Players
•μC/μP, FPGA and DSP Power
•Plug-in DC/DC Modules for Routers and Switchers

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