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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/11/9 阅读:8386次    关键字: 昂宝AC-DC
SPN7002V-N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET

SPN7002V-N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET DataSheet

The SPN7002V is the N-Channel enhancement modefield effect transistorsare
produced using high celldensityDMOS technology.
These products have beendesigned tominimize on-state resistance while providerugged,
reliable,and fast switching performance. Theycan be used in mostapplications
requiring up to300mA DC and can deliverpulsed currents up to1.0A.
These products are particularlysuited for low voltage,
low current applications such as smallservo motorcontrol,
powerMOSFET gate drivers, and otherswitching applications.

Super high density cell design for extremely lowRDS (ON)
Exceptional on-resistance and maximum DCcurrent capability
SOT-523(SC-89)package design

Drivers: Relays, Solenoids, Lamps, Hammers,Display,Memories, Transistors, etc.
High saturation current capability.Direct
Logic-Level Interface: TTL/CMOS
Battery Operated Systems
Solid-State Relays

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