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当前位置:首页>>DC-DC>>CRpowtech华润矽威 >>PT1307-Step-up DC/DC Converter   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/11/14 阅读:12002次    关键字: DC-DC
PT1307-Step-up DC/DC Converter

PT1307-Step-up DC/DC Converter  with Accurate Input Current LimitPDF文档下载
    The PT1307 is a current mode DC-DC converter with accurate input current limit. It is suitable for use in topologies requiring low side MOSFET, such as boost, fly-back or SEPIC. The PT1307 has built in fault condition protection features such as short-circuit protection, and Thermal shut down protection. The PT1307 also has an OVLO function that locks out the switch when the input voltage is higher than 6.5V, although the, IN, and CS can stand up to 20V.   The PT1307 provides programmable average current limiting with ±2% accuracy, which allows accurate limiting of the average current in the inductors, independent of peak current.
    The PT1307 is available in SOT23-6.
  ±2% Programmable Average Current Limiting
  1MHz Switching Frequency
  Short-Circuit Protection
  OVLO with Hysteresis
Battery Chargers
Li-ion and USB Powered Systems
Portable Instruments
Step-up DC-DC Converters
Step-up/step-down and Isolated dc/dc converters
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