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当前位置:首页>>音频功放>>ESMT/EMP晶豪/晶镁 >>AD82581B-12W Stereo/Mono Digital Audio Amplifier停产   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/12/15 阅读:12946次    关键字: 音频功放
AD82581B-12W Stereo/Mono Digital Audio Amplifier停产

AD82581B-12W Stereo/Mono Digital Audio Amplifier DataSheet  停产

􀁺 16/18/20/24-bit input with I2S, Left-alignment
and Right-alignment data format
􀁺 PSNR & DR(A-weighting)
Loudspeaker: 98dB (PSNR), 106dB (DR) @24V
􀁺 Multiple sampling frequencies (Fs)
32kHz / 44.1kHz / 48kHz and
64kHz / 88.2kHz / 96kHz and
􀁺 System clock = 64x, 128x, 256x, 384x, 512x, 768x,
1024x Fs
256x~1024x Fs for 32kHz / 44.1kHz / 48kHz
128x~512x Fs for 64kHz / 88.2kHz / 96kHz
64x~256x Fs for 128kHz/176.4kHz/192kHz
􀁺 Supply voltage
3.3V for digital circuit
12V~24V for loudspeaker driver
􀁺 Loudspeaker output power for 24V
2×10W into 8Ω@0.19% THD+N for stereo
1×20W into 4Ω@0.18% THD+N for mono
􀁺 Loudspeaker output power for 24V with proper
cooling method
2×26W into 8Ω@1% THD+N for stereo
1×53W into 4Ω@1% THD+N for mono
􀁺 Anti-pop design
􀁺 Over-temperature protection
􀁺 Internal PLL
􀁺 Under-voltage shutdown
􀁺 Over-current protection
􀁺 I2C control interface

􀁺 CD and DVD
􀁺 TV audio
􀁺 Car audio
􀁺 Boom-box
􀁺 MP3 docking systems
􀁺 Powered speaker
􀁺 Wireless audio
􀁺 USB speaker

    This is a stereo (8Ω)/mono (4Ω) fully digital audio amplifier with output power which can drive up to 2x12W for stereo or 1x24W for mono at 24V supply voltage, no external heat-sink or fan is requirement. Using I2C digital control interface, AD82581B provides input format selection, mute and volume control function. Protection circuits are provided to protect AD82581B damage while connection error.

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