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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/12/29 阅读:13123次    关键字: 音频功放
AD62550-USB Class-D Audio Power Amplifier

AD62550-Class-D Audio Power Amplifier with USB/I2S Interface DataSheet

􀁺 True plug-and-play application, no driver is
required for basic USB speaker application
􀁺 Supports Windows Me/2000/XP/Vista/7 and Mac
􀁺 Integration circuit quality meet Windows 7 and
Vista Hardware Logo requirement
􀁺 Compliant with USB Specification v1.1, and USB
2.0 full speed
􀁺 Can work directly with a USB3.0 port
􀁺 Embedded high efficiency, high performance
Class-D stereo amplifier
􀁺 Support both bus-powered and self-powered
􀁺 Support I2S input and I2S output interface of
master mode
􀁺 +6dB Gain enhancement (Theater function)
􀁺 Sampling frequency 44.1/48KHz
􀁺 Support volume/mute control with external button
􀁺 LED indicator function
􀁺 Support 3D surround sound
􀁺 Built-in 5V to 3.3V regulator for internal device
􀁺 Loudspeaker PSNR & DR (A-weighting)
91dB (PSNR), 92dB (DR) with Bead filter
􀁺 Anti-pop design
􀁺 Over-temperature protection
􀁺 Under-voltage shutdown
􀁺 Short-circuit detection
􀁺 External EEPROM interface for vendor specific
and hardware configuration
􀁺 Embedded Power-On-Reset circuit
􀁺 The I2S output port allows other high performance
audio device (i.e. AD8356/AD82581B)
􀁺 12 MHz crystal input
􀁺 3.3V operation with 5V tolerate I/O
􀁺 32-pin LQFP Pb-free package

    AD62550 is a single chip of Class-D audio amplifier with USB/I2S interface. When using the power supplied from the USB port, AD62550 can drive a pair of up to 1W speakers due to the built-in,high efficiency and high performance Class-D amplifiers. The device also has an I2S input port and I2S output port. The I2S input port allows other external audio sources to use the Class-D amplifier to share the speakers. The I2S output port allows other high performance audio device (i.e.


本文共分 1

  • 上篇文章AD62552A-High Integrated USB Audio Controller
  • 下篇文章AD62555-USB Class-D Audio Power Amplifier

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