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当前位置:首页>>电池管理>> FP8102-1A Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2012/6/19 阅读:10020次    关键字: 锂电充电
FP8102-1A Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger

FP8102 1A Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger in SOP8/MSOP8

General Description
    The FP8102 is a standalone linear Li-ion battery charger with exposed pad SOP8/MSOP8 package. With few external components, FP8102 is well suited for a wide range of portable applications. Charging current can be programmed by an external resistor. In standby mode, supply current will be reduced to around 55uA. Other features include UVLO, automatic recharge, charge status indicators and thermal regulation.

˙Standalone Linear Charger for Single Cell Li-ion Batteries
˙No External MOSFET, Sense Resistor, or Blocking Diode Required
˙Up to 1A Programmable Charge Current
˙Preset Charge Voltage with ±1% Accuracy
˙Automatic Recharge
˙2.9V Trickle Charge Voltage
˙C/10 Charge Termination
˙55uA Standby Supply Current
˙Charge Status Indicators for No Battery and Charge Failure Display
˙Soft-Start to Limit Inrush Current
˙Thermal Protection

Typical Application Circuits

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  • 下篇文章FP8102-1A可编程锂电充电IC

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