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当前位置:首页>>电池管理>> EUP8020X-1A AC/USB双电源输入单节锂离子/锂聚合物电池充电管理IC   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2012/10/17 阅读:9172次    关键字: 锂电充电
EUP8020X-1A AC/USB双电源输入单节锂离子/锂聚合物电池充电管理IC

EUP8020X-1A AC/USB双电源输入单节锂离子/锂聚合物电池充电管理IC DataSheet


•  自动选择AC适配器或USB电源,为单节锂离子或锂聚合物电池充电
•  集成功率FET和电流感测,由AC适配器提供产生高达1A的充电电流
•  集成USB充电控制,可选100mA/500mA充电电流
•  含安全时间计数的预充电状态
•  AC电源存在时电源好状态输出
•  充电前和充电过程电池温度检测
•  低功耗自动休眠模式
•  3mm x 3mm TDFN-10封装
•  符合RoHS规范及Pb-Free
•  智能电话
•  数码相机
•  PDA/MP3播放器
•  网络家电

EUP8020X-Dual Source AC/USB Li-Ion/Polymer Charger IC for Portable Applications 

The EUP8020X series are highly integrated single cell Li-Ion/Polymer battery charger IC designed for handheld devices. The EUP8020X accepts two power inputs, normally one from a USB port and another one from AC-adaptor. The EUP8020X automatically s the USB-Port or the AC-adapter as the power source for the system. In the USB configuration, the host can from the two preset charge rates of 100 mA and 500 mA. In the AC-adapter configuration an external resistor sets the magnitude of the charge current, which may be programmed up to 1A.
The EUP8020X charges the battery in three phases: conditioning, constant current, and constant voltage. Charge is terminated based on minimum current. An internal charge timer provides a backup safety for charge termination. The EUP8020X automatically re-starts the charge if the battery voltage falls below an internal threshold. The EUP8020X also automatically enters sleep mode when both supplies are removed. No external sense resistor or blocking diode is required for charging.
The EUP8020X integrates internal power FET, current sensor, charge status and reverse current protection in a single monolithic devices.

• Charges Single Cell Li-Ion/Polymer from Either AC Adapter or
USB With Autonomous Power-Source ion
• Integrated Power FET and Current Sensor for Up to 1A Charge Applications From AC Adapter
• Integrated USB Control With able 100 mA and 500 mA Charge Rates
• Precharge Conditioning With Safety Timer
• Power Good (AC Adapter Present) Status Output
• Optional Battery Temperature Monitoring Before and During Charge
• Automatic Sleep Mode for Low-Power Consumption
• Available in TDFN-10 Package
• RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-Free

• Smartphones
• Digital Cameras
• PDAs/ MP3 Players
• Other Battery-Powered Devices

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