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当前位置:首页>>DC-DC>>Axelite亚瑟莱特 >>AX34063-DC-DC Converter Control Circuits   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2013/1/11 阅读:8856次    关键字: DC-DC
AX34063-DC-DC Converter Control Circuits

AX34063-DC-DC Converter Control Circuits DataSheet

    The AX34063 Series is a monolithic control circuit containing the primary functions required for DC-DC converters. These devices consist of an internal temperature compensated reference, comparator, controlled duty cycle oscillator with an active current limit circuit, driver and high current output switch. This series was specifically designed to be incorporated in Step-Down and Step-Up and Voltage Inverting applications with a minimum number of external components.

- Operation from 3.0 V to 40 V Input
- Low Standby Current
- Current Limiting
- Output Switch Current to 1.5 A
- Output Voltage Adjustable
- Frequency Operation to 100 KHz
- Precision 2% Reference

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