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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2016/11/30 阅读:5901次    关键字: 音频功放
AD87589-2x20W Stereo Digital Audio Amplifier

AD87589-2x20W Stereo/1x40W Mono Digital Audio Amplifier With 24 Bands EQ Functions + 2Vrms Line Driver DataSheet

    AD87589 is an integrated audio system solution,
embedding digital audio processing, power stage
amplifier, and a stereo 2Vrms line driver.
    AD87589 has a programmable slew-rate
controlled output buffer, which drives one (mono) or
two (stereo) speakers directly. In addition, it is
insusceptible to supply voltage fluctuation due to the
close-loop design.
    AD87589 can provide advanced audio processing
capabilities, such as volume control, 24 bands EQ,
audio mixing and Dynamic Range Control (DRC).
These functions are fully programmable via a simple
2C interface.
Robust protection circuits are provided to protect
    AD87589 from damage due to accidental erroneous
operation. AD87589, being a digital circuit design, is
more tolerant to noise and PVT (Process, Voltage, and
Temperature) variation than the analog Class-AB or
Class-D audio amplifier counterpart implemented by
analog circuit design. Furthermore, AD87589 is pop
free during instantaneous power switching because of
its built-in, robust anti-pop circuit.

z 16/18/20/24-bits input with I2S, Left-alignment
and Right-alignment data format
z PSNR & DR (A-weighting)
Loudspeaker: 102dB (PSNR), 108dB (DR)
z Multiple sampling frequencies (Fs)
32kHz / 44.1kHz / 48kHz and
64kHz / 88.2kHz / 96kHz and
128kHz / 176.4kHz / 192kHz
z I2C control interface
z Channel mixing
z Volume control (+12dB ~ -103dB, 0.125dB/step)
z Power clipping function
z DRC and DTC function
z 24 bands parametric speaker EQ
z Bass/Treble tone control
z DRC and post scale boost
z Check-sum coefficient protection
z Noise gate function
z Pop noise less muting (Quick Mute/Quick Start)
z Sleep function
z X3 over sampling for 32kHz FS
z AM interference frequency switching
z Level meter
z Post-scale and DRC offset volume support
z Over current protection function (OCP)
z Over temperature protection function (OTP)
z Under voltage lock out (UVLO)
z Over voltage protection function (OVP)
z DC detection function (DCDET)
z Clock detection function (CKDET)
z Capless line driver
z Lead-free LQFP-48

z TV audio
z Boom-box, CD and DVD receiver, docking system
z Powered speaker
z Wireless audio

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  • 上篇文章AD82589-2x20W Stereo Digital Audio Amplifier
  • 下篇文章深圳微桥2017年春节放假时间

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