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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2019/1/9 阅读:3996次    关键字: 音频功放
EUA6204C-1.36W Mono Audio Power Amplifier

EUA6204C-1.36W Mono Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier DataSheet 

The EUA6204C is a mono fully-differential audio amplifier, capable of delivering 1.36W of continuous average power to an 8Ω BTL load with less than 1% distortion (THD+N) from a 5V power supply, and 720mW to an 8Ω load from a 3.6V power supply.
The EUA6204C is ideal for PDA/smart phone application due to features such as -80-dB supply voltage rejection from 20Hz to 20kHz, improved RF rectification immunity, small 20mm2 PCB area, and a fast startup with minimal pop.
The EUA6204C is available in a MSOP-8 and in the space-saving 3mm × 3mm DFN package.

• Supply Voltage 2.5V to 5.5V
• 1.36W 8Ω from a 5-V Supply at THD=1% (typ)
• Low Supply Current: 4mA typ at 5V
• Shutdown Current: 0.01μA typ
• Fast Startup with Minimal Pop
• Only Three External Components
- Improved PSRR (-80dB) for Direct Battery Operation
- Full Differential Design Reduces RF Rectification
- -63dB CMRR Eliminates Two Input Coupling Capacitors
• RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-Free

• Wireless Handsets
• PDAs
• Portable Devices

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  • 上篇文章Major-Power Showform Guide 2018Q4-W.xls
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