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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2019/3/26 阅读:4852次    关键字: LED

EUP2961A-集成PWM调光和单线调光WLED升压驱动器 DataSheet  

EUP2961A是一款专为白光LED设计的升压型恒流驱动器. 通过内置40V功率管,使得EUP2961A能驱动单串10LEDs串连负载,从而保证所有LED电流相同。EUP2961A工作在1.2MHz震荡频率和1.3A电流极限,也能用于通用型的高亮度LED照明。如典型应用电路所示,EUP2961A回馈电压为200/mV,通过回馈电阻可以设置LED最大输出电流。在工作过程中,EN引脚可以以两种调光方式对EUP2961A的工作电流进行控制。一是PWM调光方式,通过外加在EN端8KHz 或更高频率的PWM调光信号,PWM调光信号的占空比决定反馈电压的大小。二是数字调光方式,通过在EN端集成一个单线接口,该单线接口可以以32阶调节反馈电压的大小。不管工作在PWM模式还是数字调光模式,EUP2961A都不会在输出电容上产生音频噪声。其内置38V过压保护功能为LED提供开路保护。
EUP2961A采用2mm×2mm TDFN封装,可以节省面积。

‧2mm×2mm TDFN-6封装

‧GPS 导航系统

EUP2961A-White LED Boost Converter with PWM Dimming and Single-Wire Interface 

The EUP2961A is a constant current step-up converter specifically designed to drive white LEDs. With a 40V rated integrated switch FET, the step-up converter supports up to 10 white LEDs in series connection, so the LED currents are identical for uniform brightness. The boost converter runs at 1.2MHz fixed switching frequency with 1.3A switch current limit, and allows for the use of a high brightness LED in general lighting. The maximum white LED current is set with the external sensor resistor RFB, and the feedback voltage is regulated to 200mV, as shown in the typical application. During the operation, the LED current can be controlled through the EN pin in two modes. With a 8KHz or higher frequency PWM dimming signal on EN pin, EUP2961A operates in PWM dimming mode, which the duty cycle determines the feedback reference voltage. EUP2961A can operate in digital dimming mode also, which a Single Wire interface on the EN pin is integrated to adjust the FB voltage in 32 steps. In either digital or PWM mode, the EUP2961A does not generate audible noises on the output capacitor. For the over voltage protection, the EUP2961A provides 38V OVP to prevent damage from LED open.
The EUP2961A is available in a space-saving 2mm×2mm TDFN package.

‧2.7V to 5.5 V Input Voltage Range
‧38V Output Over Voltage Protection
‧Integrated 40V N-MOSFET
‧Internal Soft-Start
‧Single-Wire Serial Pulse Interface to Set LED Current with 32-Step Scale
‧External PWM Dimming with 8kHz to 300kHz Frequency Range
‧Over Thermal Protection
‧VIN Under Voltage Lockout
‧Available in 2mm×2mm TDFN-6 package
‧RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-Free Halogen-Free

‧Mobile Phones
‧GPS Navigation Systems
‧Portable Media Players
‧Handheld Devices, Digital Camera
‧Portable Game Machines

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