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发布者:微桥FP6167 发布时间:2010/1/2 阅读:8887次    关键字: FP6167
FP6167-Dual 1.5MHz, 1A Synchronous Step-Down

FP6167 Dual 1.5MHz, 1A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator
General Description
 The FP6167 is a high efficiency current mode dual synchronous buck PWM DC-DC regulator. The internal generated 0.6V precision feedback reference voltage is designed for low output voltage. Low RDS(ON) synchronous switch dramatically reduces conduction loss. To extend battery life for portable application, 100% duty cycle is supported for low-dropout operation. Shutdown mode also helps saving the current consumption. The FP6167 is packaged in DFN-12L to reduce PCB space.

˙Input Voltage Range: 2.5 to 5.5V
˙Adjustable Output Voltage From 0.6V to VIN
˙Precision Feedback Reference Voltage: 0.6V (±2%)
˙Output Current: 1A(Max.) each channel
˙Duty Cycle: 0~100%
˙Internal Fixed PWM Frequency: 1.5MHz
˙Low Quiescent Current: 160μA
˙No Schottky Diode Required
˙Built-in Soft Start
˙Current Mode Operation
˙Over temperature Protection
˙Package: DFN-12L

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