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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2010/1/12 阅读:26175次    关键字: EMH7601
EMH7601-Synchronous DC/DC Boost Converter

EMH7601-Battery Powered, High Efficiency Synchronous DC/DC Boost Converter DataSheet

General Description:
EMH7601 designed with high efficiency step up DC/DC converter for portable devices applications. It features with extreme low 26μA quiescent current with no load which is the best fit for extending battery life during the standby mode.
The start-up voltage is 0.83V typically with operating voltage down to 0.6V. With Synchronous structure, it does not need any external Schottky diode. The peak current is limited to 1A for quick turn on. The EMH7600 is available in MSOP-8 and EMH7601 is available in SOT25 package.
This product can provide 500mA load current and still maintained at least 70% efficiency and above 90% efficiency when at 100mA load current.

Single or dual battery operation
Achieve 93% efficiency
Output Current up to 500mA
Reference voltage 1.195V
Typical Iq 26μA with no load
No Schottky diode needed
Shutdown current < 1μA
Excellent Line and Load Transient Response
On-Chip Low Battery Detector ( MSOP-8 package)

Blue-Tooth devices
Cellular and Smart Phones
Personal multi-media Player (PMP)
Wireless networking
Hand-Held Devices with 1 to 3-Cell of NiMH/NiCd Batteries
Digital Still Cameras
Portable applications


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  • 上篇文章微桥提供ESMT同步升压IC-EMH7601
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