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发布者:微桥FP6116 发布时间:2010/12/10 阅读:10483次    关键字: FP6112 FP6115 FP6116 FP6180 FP6181 FP6182 FP6183
FP6116-340KHz,3A Asynchronous Step-Down Regulator

FP6116 340KHz, 3A, Asynchronous Step-Down Regulator
General Description
    The FP6115 is a buck switching regulator for wide operating voltage application fields. The FP6115 includes a high current P-MOSFET, a high precision reference (0.8V) for comparing output voltage with a feedback amplifier, an internal soft start timer and dead-time controller. The oscillator is for controlling the maximum duty cycle and PWM frequency.

Precision Feedback Reference Voltage: 0.8V (2%)
Wide Supply Voltage Operating Range: 3.6 to 23V
Low Current Consumption: 3mA
Internal Fixed Oscillator Frequency: 340KHz (Typ.)
Internal Soft-Start Function (SS)
Built-In P-MOSFET for 3A Output Loading
Over Current Protection
Package: SOP-8L
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