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当前位置:首页>>电池管理>> EMC5060-Charger IC with System Power Management    双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/7/22 阅读:12042次    关键字: EMC5060
EMC5060-Charger IC with System Power Management

General Description
    The EMC5060 is a single-cell Li-ion charger IC with system power management feature. It charges the battery and power the system simultaneously. The maximum charging current (up to 1.5A) is set by external resistor for fast charging. The output voltage for the system is regulated to a nominal value (three different versions available: 4.4V, 5V or 6V); the actual value of the output voltage depends on the input voltage from the adapter, the charging current and the system loading.       
     With the decrease of the input voltage or the increase of the system loading current, the output voltage drops. When the output voltage drops to a predetermined value (VAPM-REG), the Active Power Management function is activated and tries to maintain the output voltage at VAPM-REG; the EMC5060 will suffice the system loading with first priority and reduce the charging current temporarily, i.e. under heavy load condition, the EMC5060 charges the battery with the remaining available current to keep the output voltage at VAPM. In this manner, the charge and discharge cycle of the battery can be reduced.
    It is possible that the EMC5060 fails to maintain the output voltage at VAPM-REG; for example, when the system loading current exceeds the capability of the current-limiting AC adapter. In this scenario, the output voltage drops to the battery voltage, and the system is allowed to draw current from the battery.
 TQFN-20L Package
 Active Power Management(APM) for Simultaneously Powering the System and Charging the Battery
 Total Current Supported Up to 2 Amperes ( System Loading Having Higher Priority on theBudget )
 Automatic Power Source Selection (AC Adapter or Battery)
 40m9 Power Path for the Battery to Supply the System Power Efficiently
 Junction Temperature Detection and Thermal Regulation During Charging Process
 External LED Indicating Charger and Power Good Status as well as Fault Condition
 Thermal, Short-Circuit, and Reverse Current Protection
 Short-Circuit Protection in the Low Power Consumption Sleep Mode
 Sysoff Function to Cut Off the Path between the System and the Battery
 Build-in Over Voltage Protection up to 18V Applications
 Battery-Powered Devices or Equipment
 Mobile Phones, Digital Cameras and MP3 Players
 Radios, other Hand-Held Games and Instruments
 Solar Power System
_ Battery-Powered Devices or Equipment
_ Mobile Phones, Digital Cameras and MP3 Players
_ Radios, other Hand-Held Games and Instruments
_ Solar Power System
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