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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/8/3 阅读:12550次    关键字: EMP8041
EMP8041-36V,Input Voltage,Low IQ LDO

EMP8041-High Input Voltage, Low Quiescent Current,Low-Dropout Linear RegulatorDataSheet

General Description
    The EMP8041 is a high voltage, low quiescent current,low dropout regulator with 100mA output driving capacity. The EMP8041, which operates over an input range of 3V to 36V, is stable with any capacitors, whose capacitance is larger than 1μF, and suitable for powering battery-management Ics because of the virtue of its low quiescent current consumption and low dropout voltage. Below the maximum power dissipation (please refer to Note. 5), It guarantees delivery of 100mA output current, and supports preset output voltages ranging from 1.3V to 6.0V with 0.1V increment.
    EMP8041 features also include bandgap voltage reference, constant current limiting and thermal overload protection. Both miniature SOT-23-5 and SOT-89-3 package options are offered to provide flexibility for different applications.

 Logic Supply for High Voltage Batteries
 Keep-Alive Supply
 3-4 Cell Li-ion Batteries Powered systems

 100mA guaranteed output current (without thermal limit)
 500mV typical dropout at Io=100mA
 12μA typical quiescent current
 1μA typical shutdown mode
 3.0V to 36V input range
 Stable with small ceramic output capacitors(1μF)
 Over temperature and over current protection
 ±2.5% output voltage tolerance

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