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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/8/26 阅读:8695次    关键字: AX78L05
AX78L05-3-Terminal 100mA Voltage Regulator

AX78L05-3-Terminal 100mA Positive Voltage Regulator DataSheet

    The AX78L05 of positive voltage Regulator is inexpensive, easy-to-use devices suitable for a multitude of applications that require a regulated supply of up to 100mA. Like their higher power AX78L05, this regulator feature internal current limiting and thermal shutdown making them remarkably rugged. No external components are required with the AX78L05 device in many applications. The device offer a substantial performance advantage over the traditional zener diode-resistor combination, as output impedance and quiescent current are substantially reduced.

- Output Voltage Range 3.3 to 24V
- Output current up to 100mA
- No external components required
- Internal thermal overload protection
- Internal short-circuit current limiting
- Output transistor safe-area compensation
- Output voltage offered in 4% tolerance

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