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当前位置:首页>>MOSFET>>Axelite亚瑟莱特 >>AM4410-30V N -Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/9/15 阅读:11806次    关键字: MOSFET
AM4410-30V N -Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET

AM4410-30V N -Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET DataSheet

General Description
    This N-Channel Logic Level MOSFET has been designed specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers.
    The MOSFET features faster switching and lower gate charge than other MOSFETs with comparable RDS(ON) specifications.
    The result is a MOSFET that is easy and safer to drive (even at very high frequencies), and DC/DC power supply designs with higher overall efficiency.

10 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) W @ VGS = 10 V
RDS(ON) W @ VGS = 4.5 V.
= 13.5m
= 20m
Optimized for use in switching DC/DC converters
with PWM controllers.
Very fast switching .
Low gate charge (typical 22 nC).

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