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当前位置:首页>>音频功放>>ESMT/EMP晶豪/晶镁 >>AD52068-2x20W Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier   双击自动滚屏
发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2016/3/2 阅读:29276次    关键字: 音频功放
AD52068-2x20W Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier

AD52068-2x20W Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier with Power Limit DataSheet

    The AD52068 is a high efficiency stereo class-D
audio amplifier with adjustable power limit function.
The loudspeaker driver operates from 4.5V~26V
supply voltage and analog circuit operates at 5V
supply voltage. It can deliver 20W/CH output power
into 8W loudspeaker within 10% THD+N at 24V
supply voltage and without external heat sink when
playing music.
    AD52068 provides parallel BTL (Mono)
application, and it can deliver 40W into 4W
loudspeaker at 24V supply voltage. The adjustable
power limit function allows user to set a voltage rail
lower than half of 5V to limit the amount of current
through the speaker.
    Output DC detection prevents speaker damage
from long-time current stress. AD52068 provides
superior EMC performance for filter-free application.
The output short circuit and over temperature
protection include auto-recovery feature.

  Single supply voltage
4.5V ~ 26V for loudspeaker driver
Built-in LDO output 5V for others
  Loudspeaker power from 24V supply
BTL Mode: 20W/CH into 8W @<10% THD+N
PBTL Mode: 40W/CH into 4W @<10% THD+N
  Loudspeaker power from 12V supply
BTL Mode: 9W/CH into 8W @10% THD+N
 87% efficient Class-D operation eliminates need for heat sink
  Differential inputs
  Four selectable, fixed gain settings
  Internal oscillator
  Short-Circuit protection with auto recovery option
  Under-Voltage detection
  Over-Voltage protection
  Pop noise and click noise reduction
  Adjustable power limit function for speakerprotection
  Output DC detection for speaker protection
  Filter-Free operation
  Over temperature protection with auto recovery
  Superior EMC performance

  TV audio
  Powered speaker
  Consumer Audio Equipment

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