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当前位置:首页>>LED驱动>>ESMT/EMP晶豪/晶镁 >>EMD2080-High Voltage:6~36V LED Lighting Driver   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/9/26 阅读:15276次    关键字: LED
EMD2080-High Voltage:6~36V LED Lighting Driver

EMD2080-High Voltage:6~36V LED Lighting Driver With PWM Dimming Control DataSheet

General Description
    The EMD2080 was designed with high efficiency step up DC/DC converter with constant current source for driving lighting LEDs. Wide input voltage range makes the application more flexible. LED dimming can be achieved with pulse width modulation dimming on DIM pin. The EMD2080 switches at 1.2MHz and allows using small inductor and both of input/output capacitors. An internal compensation can reduce external component.
    The EMD2080 include current limit, over voltage and thermal shutdown protection. The EMD2080 is available in MSOP-10 package.

 Supply Voltage: 6V ~ 36V
 Driving Current:
 Up to 500mA @VIN=12V, VOUT=22.4V
 Over Voltage Protection: 31.5V
 Shutdown Current < 1μA
 Reference Voltage 0.245V
 Internal Soft Start and Compensation
 1.8A Internal power MOSFET Switch
 Thermal Shutdown Protection
 Mood and Accent Lighting
 Automotive Lighting
 Ambient Lighting
 RGB LED Driver

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