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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/10/26 阅读:9705次    关键字: OB2535
AX2535-High Precision CC/CV PSR PWM Power Switch停产

AX2535-High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch DataSheet停产

    AX2535 is a high performance offline PWM Power switch for low power AC/DC charger and adapter applications. It operates in primary-side sensing and regulation. Consequently, the photo-coupler and TL431 could be eliminated. Proprietary Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) control is integrated as shown in the figure below.
    In CC control, the current and output power setting can be adjusted externally by the sense resistor RS at CS pin. In CV control, multi-mode operations are utilized to achieve high performance and high efficiency. In addition, good load regulation is achieved by the built-in cable drop compensation. Device operates in PFM in CC mode as well at large load condition and it operates in PWM with frequency reduction at light/medium load.
    AX2535 offers power on soft start control and protection coverage with auto-recovery features including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting, VDD OVP, VDD clamp and UVLO. Excellent EMI performance is achieved by frequency shuffling technique.
    High precision constant voltage (CV) and constant current (CC) can be achieved by AX2535.

- ±5% Constant Voltage Regulation at Universal AC input
- High Precision Constant Current Regulation at Universal AC input
- Primary-Side Sensing and Regulation Without TL431 and photo-coupler
- Programmable CV and CC Regulation
- Adjustable Constant Current and Output Power Setting
- Built-in Secondary Constant Current Control with Primary-Side Feedback
- Built-in Adaptive Current Peak Regulation
- Built-in Primary winding inductance compensation
- Programmable Cable drop Compensation
- Power on Soft Start
- Built-in Leading Edge Blanking (LEB)
- Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting
- VDD Under Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis (UVLO)
- VDD Clamp

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