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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2013/12/20 阅读:9980次    关键字: LED
PT4227-1-10W Primary Side CC Regulator

PT4227-1-10W Primary Side CC Regulator DataSheet 

    The PT4227 is primary side constant current regulator,which is designed for high performance and cost-effective LED lighting applications. With Powtech’s proprietary constant current compensation technique accurate output current regulation is achieved without the need of a secondary feedback circuitry. Integrated primary inductance compensation circuitry provides accurate constant current operation despite variations in primary inductance. Excellent EMI performance is achieved with frequency jittering function together with soft driving control at totem pole gate drive output.
    The device integrates a high voltage power switch, an oscillator, a current sense circuit, CC control circuit. It also features a complete set of integrated protection functions to protect against all fault conditions including output open/short circuit, line under-voltage, and over temperature shut down.
    The PT4227 is available in an DIP-8L package.

 CC Without Secondary Feedback
 Integrates 600V Power Switch
 Inductance Compensation
 Low Startup Current (<10uA)
 Adjustable Primary Side Current limit
 VCC/FB Over Voltage Protection
 Feedback Loop Open Circuit Protection
 Over Temperature Protection

 Sub 10W LED lighting applications

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