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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2014/5/22 阅读:7709次    关键字: 音频功放
AD52651C-3W/CH Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier

AD52651C-3W/CH Stereo Filter-less Class-D Audio Amplifier DataSheet 

    The AD52651C is a stereo, filter-less class-D audio amplifier and has a 64-step DC volume controller. Operating with 5.0V loudspeaker driver supply, it can deliver 3.0W/CH output power into 4 loudspeaker within 10% THD+N.
    The AD52651C is packaged as SSOP-24L (150mil) is a stereo audio amplifier with high efficiency, which leads to longer battery life, less heat sink requirement, smaller board size and lower system cost, and suitable for the notebook computer,
and portable multimedia devices.

 Supply voltage range: 3.0 V to 5.0 V
 10mA static operation current
 <1uA shutdown current
 64-step DC volume control from -60dB to +24dB
 Overload and thermal protection
 Loudspeaker output power @ 10% THD+N
 1.75W/CH into 8 loudspeaker
 3.0W/CH into 4 loudspeaker
 High efficiency
 91% @ 8, Po,10% THD+N
 84% @ 4, Po,10% THD+N

 Monitor audio
 Portable multimedia devices
 Mobile phone

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