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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2014/5/22 阅读:8773次    关键字: 音频功放
AD82585-2X20W Stereo Digital Audio Amplifier

AD82585-2X20W Stereo Digital Audio Amplifier with DRC DataSheet

    AD82585 is a digital audio amplifier capable of driving a pair of 8Ω, 20W speaker which operate with play music at a 24V supply without external heat-sink or fan
requirement. Using I2C digital control interface, the user can control AD82585’s input format selection, mute and volume control functions. AD82585 has many built-in protection circuits to safeguard AD82585 from connection errors.

 16/18/20/24-bit input with I2S, Left-alignment and Right-alignment data format
 PSNR & DR(A-weighting) Loudspeaker: 94dB (PSNR), 106dB (DR) @24V
 Multiple sampling frequencies (Fs)
32kHz / 44.1kHz / 48kHz and
64kHz / 88.2kHz / 96kHz and
 System clock = 64x, 128x, 256x, 384x, 512x, 768x,
1024x Fs
256x~1024x Fs for 32kHz / 44.1kHz / 48kHz
128x~512x Fs for 64kHz / 88.2kHz / 96kHz
64x~256x Fs for 128kHz/176.4kHz/192kHz
 Supply voltage 3.3V for digital circuit
10V~26V for loudspeaker driver
 Loudspeaker output power for 24V
10W x 2CH into 8Ω @0.16% THD+N for stereo
15W x 2CH into 8Ω @0.18% THD+N for stereo
20W x 2CH into 8Ω @0.24% THD+N for stereo
 Sounds processing including:
Volume control (+24dB~-103dB, 0.125dB/step)
Dynamic range control
Power clipping
Channel mixing
User programmed noise gate with hysteresis window
DC-blocking high-pass filter  Anti-pop design
 Short circuit and over-temperature protection
 I2C control interface
 Internal PLL
 LV Under-voltage shutdown and HV Under-voltage detection
 Power saving mode
 Dynamic temperature control

 TV audio
 Boom-box, CD and DVD receiver, docking system
 Powered speaker
 Wireless audio

本文共分 1

  • 上篇文章AD82584-2x20W Stereo/1x 40W Mono Audio Amplifier
  • 下篇文章AD82586B-2x20W Stereo/1x 40W Mono Audio Amplifier

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