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当前位置:首页>>音频功放>> PT5301-2 Watts Audio Power Amplifier   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥PT5301 发布时间:2010/12/3 阅读:8691次    关键字: 微桥 PT5301 2W 音频
PT5301-2 Watts Audio Power Amplifier

PT5301-2 Watts Audio Power Amplifier PDF文档下载


The PT5301 is an audio power amplifier mainly designed for applications in mobile phones and other por­table communication device applications. It is capable of delivering 1.25 watts of continuous average power to an 8Ω load and 2 watts of continuous average power to a 4Ω load with less than 1% distortion (THD+N+N) from a 5V power supply. The PT5301 does not require output coupling capacitors or bootstrap capacitors, and therefore is ideally suited for mobile phones and other low voltage appli­cations where minimal power consumption is a primary re­quirement.

The PT5301 features a low-power shutdown mode and pop & click reducing circuitry that attenuates noise which would otherwise occur during on and off transitions. The PT5301 is available in miniature MSOP-8, QFN-8, and SMD-9 packages.

¨          Ultra low shutdown current

¨          Improved pop & click noise eliminating function

¨          No need for output coupling or bootstrap capacitors

¨          2.2 -5.5V operation supply voltage

¨          Thermal protection

¨          External gain configuration capability

¨          MSOP-8,QFN-8 and SMD-9 packages

¨          Unity-gain stable

¨          Mobil phones

¨          PDAs

¨          Portable electronic devices

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