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当前位置:首页>>其他>>LDO线性稳压器 >>AX6609-300mA High PSRR,Low Noise LDO Regulator停产   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/8/16 阅读:7468次    关键字: AX6609
AX6609-300mA High PSRR,Low Noise LDO Regulator停产

AX6609-300mA High PSRR,Low Noise LDO Regulator DataSheet (2015年7月停产)

    The AX6609 is a 300mA, low quiescent, high PSRR, low noise and low dropout linear regulator. The Device includes pass element, error amplifier, band-gap, current-limit and thermal shutdown circuitry. The characteristics of low dropout voltage and less quiescent current make it good for some critical current application, for example, some battery powered devices. The typical quiescent current is approximately 90μA. In the shutdown mode, the maximum supply current is less than 1uA. Due to internal flexible design, result in extensively fixed output voltage versions 1.8V/2.5V/2.7V/3.3V. Built-in current-limit, Short current protection and thermal-shutdown functions prevent any fault condition from IC damage.

- Input voltage range : 2.6V~6.0V
- Dropout voltage is 200mV at 150mA @ VOUT=3.3V
- Guaranteed 300mA output current
- Low quiescent current is 90μA (typ.)
- Maximum supply current in shutdown mode <1uA
- Fixed Output voltage is 1.8V/2.5V/2.7V/3.3V
- High PSRR=70dB@120Hz, 65dB@1KHz
- Fast transient response
- Current limit and thermal shutdown protection
- Short circuit current fold-back
- Available in the TSOT23-5L Package

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