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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/11/24 阅读:10403次    关键字: AC-DC
AX6203-Current Mode PWM Power Switch停产

AX6203-High Precision Current Mode PWM Power Switch DataSheet (2015年7月停产)

    The AX6203 is a high performance, current mode control PWM controller, specific designed for AC/DC transformer with high cost performance ratio. It provides continuous output power 12W and peak output power 18W at the input voltage range 85V~265V. Its optimized and highly reasonable circuit design has made it possible to minimize the total cost of the product. This switching power supply controller could be applied to typical flyback circuit topology to constitute a simple AC/DC converter.
    The initial circuit of AX6203 has been designed with a unique current sink method to startup the system by using the magnification function of the switching transistor itself. This will significantly reduce the power consumption of the start-up resistor. While output power becomes smaller, AX6203 will automatically lower the operating frequency to achieve very small standby power consumption. When the switching transistor cuts off, the internal circuit will bias it reversely, it helps to improve the resistant voltage over 700V high voltage of OC pin. This will ensure the safety of the switching transistor.
    The AX6203 provides overload and saturation prevention functions, capable of preventing disorders such as overload, transformer saturation and output short circuit, in order to increase the reliability of the power supply. The AX6203 also provides an accurate reference voltage 2.5V for clock generation circuit, and the clock frequency may be set by an external capacitor. Presently, standard PDIP-8L package and environmental friendly lead-free package in compliance with European standard are supplied.

- Built-in 700V high voltage switching transistor, to minimize external components
- Latched PWM and pulse-by-pulse current limit inspection
- Reduced frequency at low output power, standby power consumption below 0.3W
- Built-in slope and feedback compensation function
- Independent the upper limit current inspection controller, real time to handle overload and over current function
- Turn off the periodic bias output of the emitter, to improve the sustaining voltage
- Built-in current limit resistor with temperature compensation to control the current
limit accurately
- Built-in thermal protection function
- Complete start-up by using magnification function of switching transistor, to reduce the power consumption of start-up resistor more than ten times
- Automatic VCC over-voltage limit
- Wide continuous output power up to 12W and peak output power up to 18W
- Available in the PDIP-8L Pb-Free Package

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