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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2012/8/17 阅读:9520次    关键字: LDO
EMP8731-300mA CMOS Linear Regulator

EMP8731-High-PSRR, Low-Noise, 300mA CMOS Linear Regulator with 3 Types of Output Select DataSheet

General Description
    The EMP8731 features ultra-high power supply rejection ratio, low output voltage noise, low dropout voltage, low quiescent current and fast transient response. It guarantees delivery of 300mA output current and supports 3 types of output voltages via ADJ pin.
    Based on its low quiescent current consumption and its less than 1μA shutdown mode of logical operation,the EMP8731 is ideal for battery-powered applications. The high power supply rejection ratio of the EMP8731 holds well for low input voltages typically encountered in battery-operated systems. The regulator is stable with small ceramic capacitive loads (2.2μF typical). The EMP8731 is available in
miniature SOT-23-5 packages.

 300mA guaranteed output current
 60dB typical PSRR at 1kHz
 130μV (VOUT=3.0V) RMS output voltage noise(10Hz to 100kHz)
 264mV (VOUT=2.8V) typical dropout at 300mA
 60μA typical quiescent current
 Less than 1μA typical shutdown mode
 Fast line and load transient response
 2.2V to 5.5V input range
 Auto-discharge during chip disable
 60μs typical turn-on time
 Stable with small ceramic output capacitors
 Over temperature and over current protection
 ±2% output voltage tolerance

 Wireless handsets
 PCMCIA cards
 DSP core power
 Hand-held instruments
 Battery-powered systems
 Portable information appliances

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