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当前位置:首页>>MOSFET>>Syncpower擎力 >>SPN120T20-N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET   双击自动滚屏
发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2012/10/19 阅读:7951次    关键字: AC-DC
SPN120T20-N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET

SPN120T20-N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET DataSheet

The SPN120T20 is the N-Channel enhancement modepower field effect transistorwhich isproduced using super high cell density DMOS trenchtechnology.
Thishighdensity process is especially tailored to minimize on-stateresistance.
These devices are particularly suitable forsynchronous rectifier application, Motor controlpowermanagement and other Power Tool circuits.It has beenoptimized for low gate charge, lowRDS(ON)and fastswitching speed.

High density cell design for extremely low RDS(ON)
Exceptional on-resistance and maximum DC currentcapability
TO-220-3L/TO-220F-3Lpackage design

AC/DCSynchronous Rectifier
Load Switch
Power Tool
Motor Control

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