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当前位置:首页>>音频功放>>ESMT/EMP晶豪/晶镁 >>AD52058C-2x15WStereo Class-D Audio Amplifier   双击自动滚屏
发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2015/8/18 阅读:6311次    关键字: LED
AD52058C-2x15WStereo Class-D Audio Amplifier

AD52058C-2x15WStereo Class-D Audio Amplifier with Power Limit DataSheet
The AD52058C is a high efficiency stereo class-D
audio amplifier with adjustable power limit function.
The loudspeaker driver operates from 4.5V~14.4V
supply voltage. It can deliver 15W/CH output power
into 4W loudspeaker within 10% THD+N at 12V
supply voltage and without external heat sink when
playing music.
The adjustable power limit function allows user to
set a voltage rail lower than half of 5V to limit the
amount of current through the speaker.
Output DC detection prevents speaker damage
from long-time current stress.AD52058C provides
superior EMC performance for filter-free application.
The output short circuit and over temperature
protection include auto-recovery feature.
_ Single supply voltage
4.5V ~ 14.4V for loudspeaker driver
Built-in LDO output 5V for others
_ Loudspeaker power from 12V supply
BTL Mode: 8W/CH into 8W @1% THD+N
BTL Mode: 10W/CH into 6W @<1% THD+N
BTL Mode: 12W/CH into 4W @<1% THD+N
PBTL Mode: 16W/CH into 4W @1% THD+N
_ Loudspeaker power from 12V supply
BTL Mode: 10W/CH into 8W @10% THD+N
BTL Mode: 14W/CH into 6W @10% THD+N
BTL Mode: 15W/CH into 4W@<10% THD+N
PBTL Mode: 20W/CH into 4W @10% THD+N
_ 93% efficient Class-D operation eliminates need
for heat sink
_ Differential inputs
_ Internal oscillator
_ Short-Circuit protection with auto recovery option
_ Under-Voltage detection
_ Over-Voltage protection
_ Pop noise and click noise reduction
_ Adjustable power limit function for speaker
_ Output DC detection for speaker protection
_ Filter-Free operation
_ Over temperature protection with auto recovery
_ Superior EMC performance
_ TV audio
_ Boom-Box
_ Powered speaker
_ Monitors
_ Consumer Audio Equipment
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