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当前位置:首页>>LED驱动>>CRpowtech华润矽威 >>PT4131-High Performance Step-Up LED Controller   双击自动滚屏
发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2016/2/29 阅读:6568次    关键字: PT4131
PT4131-High Performance Step-Up LED Controller

PT4131-High Performance Step-Up LED Controller DataSheet 

    The PT4131 is a small package, high performance step-up DC/DC controller designed for LCD monitor and LCD TV backlighting
    Because the PT4131 directly regulates output current, it is ideal for driving LEDs whose light intensity is proportional to the current passing through them, instead of the voltage across their terminals. A single external resistor sets the LED current, which can then be easily adjusted using either a DC voltage or a pulse
width modulated (PWM) signal from 100Hz to 1000Hz. The PT4131 offers comprehensive protection such as power MOSFET over current protection (OCP), output over voltage protection (OVP), IC power supply under voltage lockout
(UVLO), and LED open protection.

 Current Mode PWM Controller With Good Dynamic Response
 8V to 35V Input Voltage Range
 External PWM Dimming Mode
 Over Voltage Protection
 Over Current Protection
 Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
 Thermal Shutdown
 SOP-8 Packages

 LCD Monitor
 Flat panel display

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