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当前位置:首页>>电池管理>> EMC5090-2.5A Synchronous Li-ionBatteryCharger停产   双击自动滚屏
发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2016/10/26 阅读:6819次    关键字: charger
EMC5090-2.5A Synchronous Li-ionBatteryCharger停产

EMC5090-2.5A Synchronous Buck Li-ion Battery Charger DataSheet


General Description
    The EMC5090 is a switch mode lithium-ion battery
charger. It utilities a 1.5MHz synchronous buck
converter topology to reduce power dissipation
during charging. The internal MOS switch delivers
current up to 2.5A to charge the battery. The built in
pre-charge safety timer automatically terminates
charging once the adjustable time limit has been
reached. The EMC5090 includes complete charge
termination circuitry, automatic recharge and a
±1% of 4.2V float voltage.
    This device is available in packages of TQFN-16L
(4mmx4mm) for space-saving application.

􀂄 2.5A maximum Charge Current
􀂄 No external MOSFET, sense resistor or blocking Diode Required
􀂄 Programmable Trickle Charge Termination Timer
􀂄 Programmable Charge Current
􀂄 Programmable End-of-Charge Current
􀂄 Automatic Recharge
􀂄 Thermistor Input for Temperature Qualified Charging

􀂄 PDAs, Tablet, Cell Phones and Smart Phones
􀂄 Digital Camera, MP3 and Handheld Gamming
􀂄 Portable Instruments including Medical Handhelds
􀂄 Self-Charging Battery Packs
􀂄 Stand-Alone Chargers or USB Port Chargers

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