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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2016/10/28 阅读:6708次    关键字: LED
FP7186-Average-Mode Constant Current LED Driver

FP7186-LED Driver with Average-Mode Constant Current Control DataSheet

General Description
    The FP7186 is an average current mode control LED driver IC operating in a constant off-time mode. FP7186 does not produce a peak-to-average error, and therefore greatly improves accuracy, line and load regulation of the LED current without any need for loop compensation or high-side current sensing. The output LED current accuracy is ±2%.
    The FP7186 can be powered from an 9.0 - 12V supply. A PWM dimming input is provided that accepts an external control TTL compatible signal. The output current can be programmed by an internal 250mV reference.

Fast average current control
PWM dimming capability
Output short circuit protection with skip mode
Requires few external components for operation
Internal 100V N-MOSFET

DC/DC LED driver applications
Back lighting of flat panel displays
General purpose constant current source
Signage and decorative LED lighting

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