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当前位置:首页>>DC-DC>>Axelite亚瑟莱特 >>20A Fully Integrated Synchronous Boost Converter   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2017/8/24 阅读:5599次    关键字: DC-DC
20A Fully Integrated Synchronous Boost Converter

AX5520/AX5521-20A Fully Integrated Synchronous Boost Converter DataSheet

    The AX5520/AX5521 is a high efficiency fully integrated synchronous Boost converter with built-in main switch and synchronous switch. The device has 20A switch peak current capability and provides output voltage up to 18V(AX5520) or 30V(AX5521). Synchronous rectification increases efficiency, reduces power losses and eases thermal requirements,allowing the AX5520/ AX5521 to be used in high power step-up applications. The 2.7V to 18V(MT AX5520) or 30V(AX5521) input voltage range supports a wide range of battery and AC powered inputs. The 70µA no load quiescent current extends operating run time in battery-powered systems. The operating frequency can be externally set for a 50kHz to 1MHz range. The AX5520/ AX5521 implements a programmable soft-start function, an adjustable cycle by cycle switching peak current limit function and thermal shutdown protection. The AX5520/ AX5521 is available in a small 20 pin 4mm × 4mm WQFN package.

- AX5520: 2.7V to 18V Input Range
3V to 18V Output Voltage
Integrated 18V Rating 9mΩ Main and Synchronous
Power Switches with 20A Peak Current Capability
- AX5521: 2.7V to 30V Input Range
3V to 30V Output Voltage
Integrated 30V Rating 9mΩ Main and Synchronous
Power Switches with 20A Peak Current Capability
- Adjustable Input UVLO through EN pin
- Low Quiescent Current 70µA
- Shutdown Supply Current 3.5μA
- Resistor or Inductor DCR Current Sensing
- Adjustable Frequency from 50kHz to 1MHz
- Programmable Soft-start
- Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit
- Thermal Shutdown
- WQFN 4mm×4mm-20L Packages
- Pb-Free ROHS compliant

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