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当前位置:首页>>DC-DC>>Axelite亚瑟莱特 >>AX3011/A-50K/150KHz,2A PWM Buck DC/DC Converter停产   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥AX3011 发布时间:2010/1/1 阅读:10243次    关键字: AX3011
AX3011/A-50K/150KHz,2A PWM Buck DC/DC Converter停产

AX3011/A-50K/150KHz,2A PWM Buck DC/DC Converter DataSheet (2015年7月停产)

  The AX3011/A series are monolithic IC designed for a step-down DC/DC converter,
and own the ability of driving a 2.5A load without additional transistor. It saves board space.The external shutdown function can be controlled by logic level and then come into standby mode. The internal compensation makes feedback control having good line and load regulation without external design. Regarding protected function, thermal shutdown is to prevent over temperature operating from damage; current limit is against over current operating of the output switch that set by outside resistance. If current limit function occurs and VFB is down below 0.3V, the switching frequency will be reduced to 10 KHz for AX3011 and 20K for AX3011A; and over voltage protection (OVP) that can avoid high VOUT voltage
to damage circuit and capacitor. The chip is available in SOP-8L-EP package which
features small size as SOP-8 with an Exposed Pad to reduce the junction-to-case

- Operating voltage can be up to 40V.
- Maximum adjustable output voltage up to 38V.
- Typical switching frequency:
AX3011 is 50K Hz.
AX3011A is 150K Hz.
- Voltage mode non-synchronous PWM converter.
- Thermal-shutdown and current-limit protection.
- Short Circuit Protect (SCP).
- External current limit setting.
- Over Voltage Protect (OVP) Sense and Output.
- Output load current: 2A.
- Low power standby mode.
- Built-in switching transistor on chip.
- SOP-EP Pb-Free packages.

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