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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2010/1/2 阅读:12261次    关键字: AX5502

AX5502-MICROPOWER VFM STEP-UP DC/DC Converter DataSheet(2015年7月停产)

  The AX5502 is a high efficiency VFM Step-up DC/DC converter for small, low input
voltage or battery powered systems with ultra low quiescent supply current. The AX5502 accept a positive input voltage from start-up voltage to VOUT and convert it to a higher output voltage in the 2.2V to 5V range.
  The AX5502 combine ultra low quiescent supply current and high efficiency to give
maximum battery life. The high switching frequency and the internally limited peak inductor current permits the use of small, low cost inductors. Only three external components are needed an inductor a diode and an output capacitor.
  The AX5502 is suitable to be used in battery powered equipment where low noise,low ripple and ultra low supply current are required. The AX5502 is available in very small package: SOT23-5L.
  Typical applications are pagers, cameras and video camera, cellular telephones,
wireless telephones, palmtop computer, battery backup supplies, battery powered

- Very Low Supply Current
- Regulated Output Voltage
- Wide range of output voltage is available form 2.2V to 5.0V by 0.1V steps
- Output Voltage Accuracy ±5%
- Output Current up to 100mA
- Low ripple and low noise
- Very low start-up voltage
- High efficiency (VOUT = 5V TYP. 87%)
- Few external components
- Low profile: SOT23-5L Pb-Free

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