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发布者:微桥FP6186 发布时间:2010/1/3 阅读:10073次    关键字: FP6186
FP6186-2A,23V,1.4MHz Step-Down Converter

FP6186 2A, 23V, 1.4MHz Step-Down Converter
General Description
The FP6186 is a buck regulator with a built-in internal power MOSFET. It can provide 2A continuous output current over a wide input supply range with excellent load and line regulation. Current mode operation provides fast transient response and eases loop stabilization. This device includes cycle-by-cycle current limiting and thermal shutdown protection. Adjustable soft-start reduces the stress on the input source at power-on. The regulator only consumes 25μA supply current in shutdown mode. The FP6186 requires a minimum number of readily available external components to complete a 2A buck regulator solution.

˙2A Output Current
˙Adjustable Soft-Start 
˙0.2Ω Internal High Side Power MOSFET Switch
˙Stable with Low ESR Output Ceramic Capacitors
˙Up to 90% Efficiency
˙25μA Shutdown Mode Current
˙Fixed 1.4MHz Frequency
˙Thermal Shutdown
˙Cycle-by-Cycle Over Current Protection
˙Wide 4.75 to 23V Operating Input Range
˙Output Adjustable From 0.92 to 16V
˙Available MSOP-10L (EP) & SOP-8L (EP) Package
˙Under Voltage Lockout

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  • 上篇文章FP6185-2A, 23V, 380KHz Step-Down Converter
  • 下篇文章FP6187-2A, 23V, 380KHz Step-Down Converter

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