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发布者:微桥FD1157H 发布时间:2010/1/12 阅读:7183次    关键字: FD157
FD1157H-Smart motor driver embedded Hall sensor

FD1157H  Smart motor driver with embedded Hall sensor
General Description
 FD1157H is a two coil motor driver with embedded Hall sensor. It integrates the motor driver with the Hall sensor, which simplifies the PCB(printed circuit board) design and make the fabrication of small-size motors possible. 
Lock-shutdown and auto-restart function keeps the motor from being over-heated and restarts the motor after being locked.
“Soft-switch” phase-switching technique is used to reduce the vibration and acoustic noise.
Thermal-shutdown protection ensures the motor driver to operate under specified temperature ranges. 
All the protection mechanisms mentioned above combine to provide a complete protecting scenario for the motor system, keep the motor system from possible damages and guarantee correct operations.


˙Motor driver with integrated Hall sensor
˙Lock-shutdown protection & auto-restart function
˙Precise magnetic switching thresholds
˙“Soft-switch” phase-switching technique to reduce vibration and acoustic noise
˙Thermal shutdown protection
˙Available in SIP-4L packages
˙For 12V systems
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