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发布者:微桥FS72X 发布时间:2010/1/13 阅读:7349次    关键字: FS72X
FS72X-Single Digital Output Hall Effect Latch

FS72X  Single Digital Output Hall Effect Latch
General Description
 FS72X/FS72XY is a Hall sensor with latched digital output. It’s suitable for electronic commutation of brushless DC motor applications. The FS72X/FS72XY uses a chopper amplifier for magnetic signal amplification, which can achieve a low offset and thus precise magnetic switching thresholds.
If a magnetic flux density larger than threshold Bop,NO is turned on(low). The output state is held until a magnetic flux density reversal falls below Brp causing NO to be turned off (high)

˙Maximum output sink current 50mA
˙Open-drain pre-driver
˙Power reverse polarity protection
˙Available in SIP-3L, SOT23(FS72XY) package
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