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发布者:微桥FP6290H 发布时间:2010/10/28 阅读:10077次    关键字: FP6290H Step-Up Current Mode PWM Converter
FP6290H-Step-Up Current Mode PWM Converter停产

FP6290H Low-Noise Step-Up Current Mode PWM Converter 2020年10月停产
General Description
    The FP6290H is a current mode boost DC-DC converter. Its PWM circuitry with built-in 0.15 power MOSFET makes this converter highly power efficiently. Selectable high switching frequency allows faster loop response and easy filtering with a low noise output. The non-inverting input its error amplifier is connected to an internal 1.24V precision reference voltage. Soft-Start time can be programmed with an external capacitor, which sets the input current ramp rate. Current mode control and external compensation network make it easy and flexible to stabilize the system.
    The FP6290H is available in the SOP-8L (EP) and DFN-8L (EP) package. Combined with low ESR capacitors, it reduced PCB space for step-up applications.

Adjustable Output from VCC to 12V
Internal Fixed PWM Frequency: 640KHz / 1.2MHz
Frequency Selection Pin
Precision Feedback Reference Voltage: 1.24V
Internal 0.15, 3A, 14V Power MOSFET
External Programmable Soft-Start Function (SS)
Shutdown Current : 0.1µA
Over Current Protection 
Package: SOP-8L (EP), DFN-8L(EP)

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