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当前位置:首页>>音频功放>> PT5305-1.4W Filter-free Class D Audio Amplifier   双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥PT5305 发布时间:2010/12/3 阅读:9269次    关键字: 微桥 PT5305 PT5306 PT5301
PT5305-1.4W Filter-free Class D Audio Amplifier

PT5305-1.4W Filter-free Class D Audio Power Amplifier   PDF文档下载


The PT5305 is a single suppl y, high e fficiency 1.5W class D audio amplifie r. A low noise, filterless PWM architecture eliminates the output filte r, reduces external component count, board area consumption, system cost, and simplifies design.

The PT5305 is designed to meet the demands of mobile phones and other portable communication devices. Operating on a single 5V suppl y, it is capable of driving an 8Ω speaker load at a continuous average output of 1.5W with less than 10% THD+N. Its flexible power supply requirements allow operation from 2.5V to 5.5 V.

The PT5305 has high e fficiency with speaker loads compared to a typical Class AB amplifie r. With a 5V supply driving an speake r, the IC s e fficiency for a 100mW power level is 82%, and reaching 90% at 400mW output powe r.

¨          1.5W Into 8 Ω from a 5V supply at THD=10% (Typ.)

¨          High Efficiency: 90% at 400mW, 5V power supply and 8Ω speaker

¨          1.7mA Quiescent Current @ VDD=5V

¨          0.1uA Shutdown Current

¨          advanced pop & click eliminating circuitry

¨          low power shutdown mode

¨          Only Three External Components

¨          Wide Supply Voltage (2.5V to 5.5V)

¨          Space Saving Packages 3mm* 3mm QFN package and 8-pin MSOP package

¨          Cell Phones

¨          Handheld Computers and PDAs

¨          Portable electronic devices

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