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当前位置:首页>>音频功放>>ESMT/EMP晶豪/晶镁 >>AD52070-2x30W Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier    双击自动滚屏
发布者:MBT 发布时间:2010/11/26 阅读:12229次    关键字: PT5326 PT5322 PT5301 PT5304 PT5306 音频功放 微桥
AD52070-2x30W Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier

AD52070-2x30W Stereo / 1x60W Mono Class-D Audio Amplifier With Low Idle Current and AGC DataSheet
The AD52070 is a high efficiency stereo class-D
audio amplifier with adjustable power limit function.
It can deliver 30W/CH output power into 4W or
8W loudspeaker within 1% THD+N at 24V supply
voltage. AD52070 also provides parallel BTL (Mono)
application, and it can deliver 60W into 4W
loudspeaker at 24V supply voltage.
The AD52070 has low idle current mode for
battery-powered audio system and helps to extend
the battery life. The advanced oscillator/PLL circuit
employs a multiple switching frequency option to
avoid AM interferences. In order to achieve
multi-channels application, which the clock slave
mode design with, making it possible to synchronize
multiple devices.
The Automatic Gain Control (AGC) is enabled to
prevent output signal from distortion when the input
signal exceeds a threshold level. The AGC allows
adjustment of maximum output voltage without
signal clipping for enhanced speaker protection and
audio quality. The power-limit control can provide
further limit output power level of amplifier. The
adjustable power limit function allows user to set a
voltage to limit the amount of current through the
speaker. All these functions are performed
Output DC detection prevents speaker damage
from long-time current stress. AD52070 output short
circuit and over temperature protection include
auto-recovery feature.
l Single supply voltage
4.5V ~ 26V for loudspeaker driver
Built-in LDO output 5V for others
l Supports Multiple Output Configurations
BTL Mode: 30W/CH into 8W at 24 V
BTL Mode: 30W/CH into 4W at 18 V
PBTL Mode: 60W/CH into 4W at 24 V
PBTL Mode: 45W/CH into 4W at 18 V
PBTL Mode: 60W/CH into 2W at 18 V
l Loudspeaker performance
BTL Mode: 30W/CH into 8W <1% THD+N@24V
BTL Mode: 30W/CH into 4W <1% THD+N@18V
l >90% efficient Class-D operation eliminates
need for heat sink
l Energy Saving Class-D Operation
Low Idle Current <23mA
l Multiple Switching Frequencies
AM Avoidance
Master/Slave Synchronization
300KHz to 1.2MHz Switching Frequency
l Differential inputs
l Four selectable, fixed gain settings
l Internal oscillator
l Short-Circuit protection with auto recovery
l Under-Voltage detection
l Over-Voltage protection
l Pop noise and click noise reduction
l Adjustable Automatic Gain Control or adjustable
power limit function for speaker protection
l Output DC detection for speaker protection
l Thermal fold-back control
l Over temperature protection with auto recovery
l TV audio
l Boom-Box
l Powered speaker
l Monitors
l Consumer Audio Equipment
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