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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2012/8/16 阅读:9666次    关键字: LDO
EMP8046-50mA LDO Linear Regulator

EMP8046-50mA Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Linear Regulator DataSheet

General Description
    The EMP8046 is a positive voltage regulator with high accuracy output voltage and ultra-low quiescent current which is typically 1.0μA. The device is ideal for battery powered handheld equipments which require low quiescent current.
    The EMP8046 contains a bandgap voltage reference, an error amplifier, a P channel pass transistor, and a resistor-divider for setting output voltage. The output voltage is fixed with high accuracy by advanced trimming technology.
    The EMP8046 has been designed to be used with low cost ceramic capacitors and requires a minimum output capacitor of 1.0μF. The devices are available
in SOT-23-3 and SOT-89-3 packages.

 Battery power equipments
 Portable communication devices
 Precision voltage references
 Hand-Held electronics
 Wireless communication systems

 Operating voltages range: 2.5V to 18V
 Maximum output current: 100mA
 Low dropout: 800mV @ 50mA
 ±2% output voltage tolerance
 Low ESR capacitor compatible
 RoHS compliant and 100% Lead(Pb)-free and green (halogen free with commercial standard)

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