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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2013/12/20 阅读:10176次    关键字: LED
FP7182-Average-Mode Control LED Driver

FP7182-LED Driver with Average-Mode Constant Current Control DataSheet

General Description
    The FP7182 is an average current mode control LED driver IC operating in a constant off-time mode. FP7182 does not produce a peak-to-average error, and therefore greatly improves accuracy, line and load regulation of the LED current without any need for loop compensation or high-side current sensing. The output LED current accuracy is ±2%.
    The FP7182 can be powered from an 8.0 - 100V supply. A PWM & Linear dimming input is provided that accepts an external control TTL compatible signal. The output current can be programmed by an internal 277mV reference.

 Fast Average Current Control
 Internal 8 to 100V Linear Regulator
 Linear and PWM Dimming Capability
 Output Short Circuit Protection with Skip Mode
 Requires Few External Components for Operation
 Internal 100V/1.5A N-MOSFET

 DC/DC or AC/DC LED Driver Applications
 Back Lighting of Flat Panel Displays
 General Purpose Constant Current Source
 Signage and Decorative LED Lighting
 Chargers

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