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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2014/6/9 阅读:14439次    关键字: DC-DC
AX3071-Dual Output CC/CV Step-Down Controller

AX3071-Dual Output CC/CV Step-Down Controller DataSheet

AX3071 Function Test

AX3071 QC2.0  Applicaton Note

    The AX3071 is a step down PWM controller with a driving dual output current to 4.8A. It is designed to allow for operating a wide supply voltage range from 8V to 40V. The external shutdown function can be controlled by logic level to pull COMP/EN pin down, and then comes into standby mode. The external compensation makes feedback control have good line and load regulation with flexible external design.
    The AX3071 operates in the CC(Constant output Current) mode or CV(Constant output Voltage) mode, and the OCP current value is set by current sensing resisters.
    The AX3071 is suitable for the DC/DC switching power applications when requested the current limit function. The devices are available in MSOP-10L packages and require very few external devices for operation.


- VIN Operate with 8V ~ 40V Supply Voltage
- VOUT Accuracy (VREF =1.0V) ±2.0% Over Line Voltage
- Dual-Channeling CC/CV Mode Control
- Cable Compensation
- External Current Limit Setting
- Output Over Voltage Protection (~120%)
- Over Temperature Protection
- Internal Soft Start ~ 5ms
- Fixed Frequency 120KHz
- UVLO Protection (min=7V, typ=7.5V, max=8V)
- Duty Cycle Range (0~90%)
- Single Pin to External Compensation and Shutdown Control
- COUT MLCC support.
- Built in Adjustable Line-Compensation
- MSOP-10L Package


- Car Charger
- Portable Charger Devices
- High-Brightness Lighting
- General-Purpose DC/DC Controller with Current Limit


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