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发布者:微桥 发布时间:2013/1/24 阅读:7967次    关键字: HALL
AX8112-Ultra-sensitive Hall Effect Switch

AX8112-MicroPower,Ultra-sensitive Hall Effect Switch DataSheet

    AX8112 is a Hall Effect sensor device with Dual output driver, mainly designed for battery–operation, hand-held equipment (such as Cellular and Cordless Phone, PDA). For AX8112, the total operation power is down to 10uW in the 1.8V supply.
    Either north or South Pole of sufficient strength will turn the output on. The output will be turned off under no magnetic field. When the magnetic flux density (B) is larger than operate point (Bop) the output is switched on. The output is turned off when B becomes lower than the release point (Brp). The output will remain off when there is no magnetic field. The AX8112 has two outputs, output one pulls low when switched on and output two is inverted.

- Micro Power Operation for Battery Applications
- 1.65V to 3.30V battery operation
- Chopper Stabilized Technology
- Operation with North or South Pole
- Good RF noise immunity
- High sensitivity and high stability of the magnetic switching points
- 5-pin Thin TSOT23 Package

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