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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2013/12/25 阅读:7489次    关键字: LED
AX9370-Universal High Brightness LED Driver停产

AX9370-Universal High Brightness LED Driver DataSheet (2015年7月停产)


    The AX9370 is a high performance LED lighting controller with PFC integrated which uses primary-side-control to eliminate opto-coupler and simplify the LED lighting driving system. AX9370 removes the need for secondary feedback circuitry while achieving excellent line regulation.
    AX9370 integrates power factor correction function and works in boundary conduction mode (BCM) which can minimize the switching loss, thus increasing efficiency.
    In a flyback circuit with the controller AX9370 at BCM operation can also reduce choke variation and enhance the LED current accuracy for line input voltage variation and output voltage variation.
Compared with a traditional LED driver IC, AX9370 can achieve the PF>0.95 and provide accurate constant current <±5% in a universal input voltage range (90VAC~264VAC).
    Thus AX9370 is designed for lowering total costs, size, and components while simultaneously increasing efficiency and system reliability.


• Primary-side Feedback Constant Current Control
• Universal Rectified 90VAC to 264VAC Input Voltage Range
• Boundary Conduction Mode (BCM) Operation with PFC (>0.95)
• Constant Current Control LED Driver (<±5%)
• Built-in Secondary Short Circuit Protection and Secondary Open Circuit Protection.
• Line Compensation
• Output Voltage Compensation
• LED Series/Parallel Combinations
• SOT-23-6L Package Available

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