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发布者:微桥AX1205 发布时间:2010/12/27 阅读:8871次    关键字: AXELITE 亚瑟莱特 LDO 微桥 AX1205
AX1205-2A Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator

AX1205-2A Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator PDF文档下载

  The AX1205 is a low-dropout voltage regulator suitable for various electronic equipments. It provides constant voltage power source. The dropout voltage of AX1205 is below 0.3V in full rated current (2A). This regulator has various functions such as a peak current protection, a thermal shut down, a short circuit protect.
  The AX1205 is available in SOP-8L power package which features small size to reduce the junction-to-case resistance, being applicable in 0.1~1.6W applications.

- Ultra Low Dropout - 0.3V(typical) at 2A Output Current
- Adjustable mode: 1.22V Reference Voltage
- Fixed mode:2.5V, 3.3V, 5V output voltage
- Operating voltage can be up to 12V.
- Current-Limit and Thermal Shutdown Protection
- Short circuit protection, Enable function.
- Built-in internal SW P-channel MOS
- SOP-8L Pb-Free Package.

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