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发布者:微桥AX1250 发布时间:2010/12/28 阅读:8688次    关键字: AXELITE 亚瑟莱特 LDO 微桥 AX1205
AX1250D5-3A Sink/Source Bus Termination Regulator

AX1250D5-3A Sink/Source Bus Termination Regulator PDF文档下载

    AX1250D5 is a linear regulator designed as a cost-effective solution for active termination of DDR SDRAM. The converting voltage range is from 1.6V to 6V into a
desired output voltage, which is adjusted by two external resistors. The current sourcing and sinking capability of the regulator is up to 3A while the output voltage within 3%.This device provides on-chip thermal shutdown and current limit functions for circuit tolerance of the output fault conditions. TO252-5L package is available for all commercial and industrial surface mount applications.

- Ideal for DDR-I and DDR-II applications
- Capable of sourcing and sinking current 3A
- Integrated power MOSFETs
- Current-shoot-through protection
- Current limiting protection
- Thermal shutdown protection
- High accuracy output voltage at full load
- Output adjustment by external resistors
- Minimum external components
- Shutdown for standby or suspend mode operation with high-Impedance output
- TO252-5L Pb-Free Package.

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