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当前位置:首页>>DC-DC>>Axelite亚瑟莱特 >>AX3304/A-PWM Control Controller    双击自动滚屏
发布者:微桥 发布时间:2011/7/11 阅读:13821次    关键字: AX3304
AX3304/A-PWM Control Controller

AX3304/A-PWM Control Controller  DataSheet
AX3304 3.1A(2.1A+1A)车充应用资料
    The AX3304 integrates Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) control circuit into a single
chip, mainly designs for power-supply regulator. All the functions include an error amplifier,a soft-start, UVLO, OVP, SCP, TSD circuitry.
    This device features an internal 100KHz oscillator (300KHz for "A" version), the
UVLO makes sure that the outputs are off until the internal circuit operates normally.
- Input voltage:8V to 38V
- Duty ratio:0% to 100% PWM control
- Oscillation frequency:100K/300KHz
- Thermal Shutdown function.
- Short Circuit Protect (SCP).
- External SW P-channel MOS.
- External OVP setting function.
- Current mode non-synchronous PWM converter
- External current limit setting.
- Under voltage Lockout.
- SOP-8L Pb-Free package.
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